Cast Iron Casting Manufacturers
Bakgiyam Engineering (P) Ltd was started in the year 1980 to manufacture air compressors in Coimbatore, South india. With the vertical integration for its group requirements the company has set up a state of the art foundry, machine shop and assembly shop which enables bakgiyam to have two verticals, Contract manufacturing and Product Manufacturing. In contract manufacturing Bakgiyam has grown to become one of the leading suppliers of machined Grey and Ductile iron castings in the weight range of 750gms to 600kg. The years of experience we have in the field of Engineering has strengthen our commitment, determined customer focus, culture of quality and unique emphasis on social responsibility empowers Team Bakgiyam.

To become the first preferred supplier for our customers in providing machined, sub-assembled and assembled product as an OE.

To deliver only quality products; To deliver on-time; Systemized approach in everything we do.

Green sand, Alphaset, Shell sand

600tons of castings/month

150gms to 600kgs single piece casting

Assembly and Sub-assembly capabilities

20+ years of experienced team

21,000 + hrs of machining capacity/month

65% + exports
Cast Iron Casting Manufacturers
Bakgiyam Engineering Private Limited, a Private Limited Company, began its working in 1980, as a manufacturer and exporter of an extensive range of products like Valves, SG Iron Casting, Ductile Iron Casting and other castings.